niedziela, 28 sierpnia 2011

Class method as template parameter

I had an interesting problem that can be solved using a little bit tricky C++ code. Imagine a singleton that holds some pointer to a class that has many methods with identical params, but different purposes. Now, imagine you're creating some wrapper for this class in some other class (the first one was a ID3D11Device in my case, so I didn't modify it) and your code is also identical, despite this single method call. You can obviously copy paste this problem, creating n-times more lines of code. But this is an ugly solution, so below I paste the nice one. Class A is the ID3D11Device, class B is my wrapper. In my case fun1 was enough (i knew A type while implementing this), but because i find this useful - i paste code for case with unknown A type. Of course in practice, fun1 and fun2 would be big functions with this single call embedded somewhere deep.

struct A {
void a(int param) { std::cout << "a " << param << std::endl; }
void b(int param) { std::cout << "b " << param << std::endl; }

struct B {
template< void (A::*F)(int) >
void fun1() {
A* a = new A; // obtain A, this may be singleton or anything else
delete a;

template< typename T, void (T::*F)(int) >
void fun2(T* t) {

int main() {
B b;
b.fun1< &A::a >();
b.fun1< &A::b >();

A a;
b.fun2< A,&A::a >(&a);
b.fun2< A, &A::b >(&a);

return 0;

The only aspect that may need some explanation at the moment is how to pass ID3D11Device method marked with STDMETHODCALLTYPE as template parameter. Notice, that STDMETHODCALLTYPE is just a macro for __stdcall. We can pass this additional keyword using syntax like:

template< HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*CreateShader)(const void*, SIZE_T, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11VertexShader**) >
bool load_(const char* filename) {

Ok, now for the real example - the code will be a little bit more tricky, because we have to use derived template param as param for functions used as template params, blah, compliacted - look at the code :)

template< typename ShaderType >
class Shader {
ShaderType* shader;
Shader() {
shader = NULL;

virtual ~Shader() {
if(shader) {

template< HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*CreateShader)(const void*, SIZE_T, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ShaderType**) >
bool load_(const char* filename, const char* entryPoint, const char* shaderModel) {

template< void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*SetShader)(ShaderType*, ID3D11ClassInstance* const*, UINT) >
void bind_() {

class VertexShader : public Shader< ID3D11VertexShader > {
__forceinline bool load(const char* filename) {
return load_< &ID3D11Device::CreateVertexShader >(filename, "mainVS", "vs_4_0");

__forceinline void bind() {
bind_< &ID3D11DeviceContext::VSSetShader >();

class PixelShader : public Shader< ID3D11PixelShader > {

class GeometryShader : public Shader< ID3D11GeometryShader > {

class DomainShader : public Shader< ID3D11DomainShader > {

class HullShader : public Shader< ID3D11HullShader > {

class ComputeShader : public Shader< ID3D11ComputeShader > {

Of course you may decide to make load and bind virtuals, and to pack them into some kind of manager - this is just a design decision, whether you want to automate use of those classes. In such case design would get a little bit more complicated. My load is virtual, bind isn't. Additionally, VertexShader is strongly coupled with VertexLayout (ID3D11InputLayout), which is created while loading, so my structure looks something like this:

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