The game was created in 8 hours during 6th Conference of Games Engineering in Siedlce, Poland. Compo theme was "psychodelic game". Our team was: me (Sobol, most of the code), Słoń (code & gfx), Koshmaar (some code & gfx & sfx) and Artpoz (code & sfx & gfx).
Our entry was and MMO game (yeah, right - Massive Multiplayer Offline :P), because up to 24 people could could play on one keyboard. The goal of the game is NOT to kill grannies, that are talking some bullshit and swearing at you. Sometimes granny takes a white rabbit out of her pocket and throws it at you. You have to press your key then to block it, otherwise you loose frag. Sometimes granny tries to frighten you by taking the rabbit, but not throwing. If you press the key in such a moment, you loose frag, because granny dies. Once every couple of seconds, there is a keybord shuffle, and you have to find your new key.
We placed 8th out of 9 teams. That's not too good, I agree. But the main problem in my opinion is that we were not able to present our game to the public, because they didn't understand what we were doing. In my opinion this game was kind of fun :)