środa, 24 grudnia 2008

SA4011, Mirco Machines remake

This game was created as a term project for "Advanced C++" classes on WEiTI, Warsaw University of Science. The game was supposed to be a crazy variation over Codemasters Micro Machines. We created a game that several people could play over TCP/IP connection, and got the highest mark possible (5). You could choose between 6 unique vehicles (driven by me and my 5 friends). Unfortunately it's too bugy to release on the internet. 

Our team was:

  • Michał "Sobol" Sobiecki (me)
  • Maciek "Słoń" Stefańczyk
  • Kacper "Szkudi" Szkudlarek

niedziela, 18 maja 2008

Think, 4k intro

Yeah, what can I say? Pure demoscene. This 4k intro (size limited to 4kb) was my entry for gamedev.pl demoscene compo, on may 2008, where I took 2nd place. Video rip was placed on YouTube, and there was also some entry on Pouet.

wtorek, 1 kwietnia 2008

Too fast, too rabie

"Too fast, too rabie" ("Szybcy i ze wścieklizną") is a 2D platform game created as a term project for Event Driven Programming classes. The first version was released after one week of development on gamedev.pl compo, where it took 2nd place. The game was created using J2SE, JOGL (OpenGL 4 Java) and Swing for map editor.